Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hoppers of the 1st Royal Regiment of Hoppers

Greetings all!  Here's some more frogs for ya.  This is actually the last of my Eureka frogs.  Kinda tempted to get some more because they're so fun, but I really should find them someone to fight first.

Anyway, this was my second entry for the challenge.  I was going to try to pick a simpler color scheme, but ended doing just as much work.  But the Blue Poison Dart frog looked cool so I had to try it.  I like how they turned out.  I hope you do too!

Group shot...

Hoppers with Spears only...

And with shields...

And the drummer, standard bearer and captain.  The captain is rather dashing.  I decided to name him LaSalle after Napoleon's famous general.

I do have a handful of frogs I picked up from Darksword Miniatures, so this isn't the last of the frog posts.  But this week I'm working on some different toys.



  1. These are adorable Rod, great job Sir.

  2. So cute, love the shades of blue and the bases!

  3. Will you make any frog troops based on this one
    It haves the same color on arms and legs.
    And are those topcoated with mat or semi-mat varnish? Maybe the gloss topcoat could make their skin more "wet & slimy" like on the real frogs??

    1. Hi Ranalcus. I almost made the shield bearers that color scheme. If I get more later I'll probably try it. That's a good idea on the gloss. I may experiment. :)

  4. Fantastic unit Rod! Really amazing! and this turtles shields:)

  5. These are so good, love the animation of the minis

    1. Thank you dGG. These are really fun minis. I'm tempted to get some of their other stuff.

    2. "Ribbit!", Rocky. I haven't seen frog legs like these on Hoppers since Malcolm the tadpole, the King's closest adviser, got sauteed in garlic and butter and served up by two mutant Catfish Men, while on holiday.

      Excellent job on the Wetland Royal Regiment, sir!

    3. Thank you Jay! Oh dear, I wondered what ever happened to Malcolm...
